Awesome Icons
A curated list of awesome downloadable SVG/PNG/Font icon projects
General purpose icons used everywhere.
Bootstrap Icons - SVG
icons custom designed and built for Bootstrap components. (Website)
Boxicons -
Simple vector iconset with 1000+ icons and 100+ logos. (Website)
Byte Size Icons
- Tiny style-controlled SVG iconset. (Website)
- - Pure CSS,
SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM
& API. (Website)
Eva icons - A
pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons. (Website)
Evil icons
- Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails,
Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN. (Website)
Feather -
Simply beautiful open source icons. (Website)
Flaticon - The largest database of free vector icons. (Website)
Fluent System Icons
- A collection of familiar, friendly and modern icons from Microsoft.
Font Awesome
- The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit. (Website)
- A set of free high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web
projects. (Website)
IconPark -
IconPark gives access to more than 1,400 high-quality icons, and
introduces an interface for customizing your icons. (Website)
ICONSVG - Quick customizable SVG icons, easily customize strokes, ends,
and joins of paths. (Website)
Ion icons -
The premium icon font for Ionic Framework and web apps everywhere. (Website)
Material design icons
- Material Design icons by Google. (Website)
Octicons - A
scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub. (Website)
Open Iconic -
Open Iconic is the open source sibling of Iconic. (Website)
Picon - Small
ligature-based icon font and SVG. (Website)
Remix Icon
- Remix Icon is a set of open-source neutral-style system symbols for
designers and developers. (Website)
- - Customizable, animated icons & illustrations exportable
to code. (Website)
Super Tiny Icons
- Miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos, under
1KB each.
Tabler Icons - A
set of over 300 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use
in your web projects.
Teenyicons -
1000+ MIT-licensed SVG icons that easily fit in very small spaces
:pinching_hand: and maintain a crisp look :sparkles:. (Website)
The Noun Project - Icons for
everything, Over 2 Million curated icons, created by a global community.
Tilda Icons - Tilda Icons, is
a website full of free icons for landing pages and more.
Unicons - 1000+
pixel-perfect vector icons and icon font for your next project. (Website)
VSCode Icons
- Dark and light versions of the icons used in Visual Studio Code.
Weather icons
- Weather Themed Icons and CSS.
Zondicons - A set of free premium SVG icons for you to use on your
digital products. (Website)
Logos of different brands or companies or technologies.
Icons that are not general or logos, but something special.
Flag Kit -
Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
Mapsicon - A
free collection of maps for every country in the world.
CSS only
Icons made out of CSS only (that are not downloadable).
cssicon - Icon
set made with pure css code, no dependencies, “grab and go” icons. (Website)
icono - Pure
CSS, class based icon pack. (Website)
Not open-source/free, but still awesome enough.
Heroicons - Unique set of icons
for your marketing website.
Iconic - The definitive icon set
designed for the modern web.
Nucelo Icons - A
premium library of SVG icons for iOS, Android & web projects.