Software architecture aims to describe the high level structures of software as well as the discipline of creating them. As this topic is pretty broad, it might contain some resources that are also present in more niche lists.
Agile Architecture Pt. 2, by Allen Holub - How do we work with architecture in a agile world 🎥. ### Lean software development
The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, by Goldratt - Business novel about contiuous improvements in a manufacturing setting. Easily adaptable to software development as well :orange_book:. ### Extreme programming
Extreme Programming - The most specific of the popular agile processes, focusing on engineering and development practices.
Adidas DevOps Maturity Framework - Based in the C.A.L.M.S. definition of DevOps, the framework defines a set of capabilities and guidelines that when adopted, increases efficiency, effectiveness and happiness of the team. ## Bonus
How to learn software design and architecture - a roadmap - Additional things helpful to learn to get a firm understanding of software architecture.
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