Awesome React
A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
JavaScript Library for building User Interfaces
React General Resources
React Online Playgrounds
Another Awesome Lists
React Tutorials
React General Tutorials
React Hooks
React and TypeScript
React Internals
React Interview Questions
- Inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox
Developer Tools
- Tweak React components in real time
- A higher order component for loading components with promises
- React code splitting made easy
reactotron - A
desktop app for inspecting your React and React Native projects
storybook - UI
component dev & test
docz - Zero Config,
live-reloading documentation with Markdown + JSX
- Isolated React component development environment with a living style
- Dev tool for creating reusable React components
- React specific linting rules for ESLint
- Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements
[@axe-core/react]( - Accessibility auditing
for React applications
DataFormsJS JSX Loader
- Small JavaScript Compiler for quickly converting JSX to JS directly on
a web page
Why Did You Render
- Monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders.
Divjoy - React codebase and UI
generator to speed up development (paid)
Plasmic - Powerful design tool
for building your React components visually.
- Set up a modern Web app by running one command
Razzle - Build production ready
React applications. Razzle is toolchain for modern static and dynamic
websites and web applications
Neutrino React Preset
is a Neutrino preset that supports
building React web applications
- Isomorphic Web app boilerplate
- CLI for creating reusable, modern React libraries using Rollup and
tsdx - Zero-config CLI for TypeScript
package development
React Frameworks
next.js - The React
gatsby.js - Free and
open source framework based on React
react-admin -
Frontend Framework for building B2B applications on top of REST/GraphQL
remix - Finally, a killer React
framework from the creators of React Router
Blitz - The Fullstack React Framework
aleph.js - The React
Framework in Deno
React Styling
- Visual primitives for the component age
emotion - Library
designed for writing CSS styles with JavaScript
radium - A
toolchain for React component styling
jss - Authoring tool for
aphrodite -
Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering,
browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
linaria -
Zero-Runtime CSS in JS
stitches - CSS-in-JS
with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class
developer experience
React Routing
- Declarative routing for React
navi - Declarative,
asynchronous routing for React
curi - JavaScript router
for single-page applications
reach - Next Generation
Routing for React
- A simple middleware-style router for isomorphic JavaScript web apps
wouter - A
minimalist-friendly ~1.3KB routing library
React Component Libraries
material-ui - React
components for faster and easier web development
blueprint - A
React-based UI toolkit for the webs
Fluent UI - A set of
React components for building Microsoft web experiences
- Bootstrap components built with React
reactstrap -
Simple React Bootstrap 4 components
ant-design - A
design system with values of Nature and Determinacy
chakra-ui -
Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React
- The official Semantic-UI-React integration
evergreen -
Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment
grommet - A react-based
framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and
theming in a tidy package
rebass - React
primitive UI components built with styled-system
reakit - Accessible,
Composable and Customizable components for React
rsuite - A suite of React
atlaskit -
Atlassian’s official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design
baseweb - Base Web is a
foundation for initiating, evolving, and unifying web products.
primereact - A
complete UI Framework for React with 50+ components featuring material,
bootstrap and custom themes.
eui - Elastic UI Framework
react-spectrum -
Adobe’s collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive,
accessible, and robust user experiences
ring-ui - JetBrains
Web UI components
- React components for Bulma framework
react-bulma -
React.js components for Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
trunx - Super Saiyan React
components, son of awesome Bulma, implemented in TypeScript
bumbag-ui - Build
accessible & themeable React applications with your Bumbag
Mantine – A fully
featured React library with 100+ hooks and components with native dark
theme support
React Awesome Components
React Testing
React Libraries
- A wrapper for placing elements along div borders in React.
react-magic -
Automatically AJAXify plain HTML with the power of React
- A set of React components implementing Google’s Material Design
tcomb-react -
Library allowing you to check all the props of your React components
- Media queries in react for responsive design
preact - Fast 3kb React alternative
with the same ES6 API.
riotjs - A React-like,
3.5KB user interface library
Maple.js - Bringing
the concept of web-components to React
react-i13n - A
performant, scalable and pluggable approach to instrumenting your React
react-icons -
svg react icons of popular icon packs
- Awesome free illustrations as react components.
Keo - Plain functions for
a more functional Deku approach to creating React components, with
functional goodies such as pipe, memoize, etc…
Bit - A virtual repository
for managing and using react and other web components across
AtlasKit - Atlassian’s
React UI library
- UI components library for Elasticsearch
Slate - A
completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
- Construct React elements from JSON by mapping JSON definitions to
React components that you expose.
react-lodash -
Lodash as React components
react-helmet - A
document head manager for React
react-snap -
Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
Draft.js - A React
framework for building text editors
refract - Harness
the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components
- OS X and Windows UI components built with React
reapop - A
simple and customizable React notifications system
- Useful components and utilities for working with React
- Lightning-fast search for React and React Native applications, by
uppy - The next open
source file uploader for web browsers
react-motion - A
spring that solves your animation problems
react-esi - React
Edge Side Includes
- Adobe’s library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives
for your design system
react-uploady -
Modern file-upload components & hooks for React.
React Integration
React State Management
redux - Predictable State Container for JavaScript
mobx - Simple, scalable
state management
react-query -
Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
flux - Application
architecture for building user interfaces
recoil -
Experimental state management library for React apps
- State machines and statecharts for the modern web
zustand - Bear
necessities for state management in React
easy-peasy -
Vegetarian friendly state for React
hookstate - The
simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React
that is based on hooks
effector - Fast and
powerful reactive state manager
reactn - React,
but with built-in global state management
React AR and VR
Viro React - Platform for
rapidly building AR/VR applications using React Native
React Renderers
formik - Build forms
in React, without the tears
- React Hooks for forms validation
- A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema
- High performance subscription-based form state management for React
unform -
Performance-focused API for React forms
formily - Alibaba Group
Unified Form Solution
uniforms - A React
library for building forms from any schema
formsy-react - A
form input builder and validator for React
react-formal -
Sophisticated HTML form management for React
[react-autocomplete by @rackt]( - WAI-ARIA compliant
React autocomplete (Archived, read-only)
[react-autosuggest by @moroshko]( - WAI-ARIA compliant
React autosuggest component
[react-autocomplete by @eliseumds]( - Just tasting some
ReactJS + RxJS
[react-autocomplete by @prometheusresearch]( -
Autocomplete widget based on React
[instatype by @gragland]( - Simple react autocomplete
downshift - 🏎
Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input
React components
React Bootstrap Typeahead
- A React-based typeahead that relies on Bootstrap for styling and was
originally inspired by Twitter’s typeahead.js.
Data Managing
immer - Create the next
immutable state by mutating the current one
ReSub - A library for
writing better React components and data stores
- Immutable Data Collections for Javascript
baobab -
JavaScript & TypeScript persistent and optionally immutable data
tree with cursors
WatermelonDB - 🍉
Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native
apps ⚡️
RxDB - A realtime Database
for JavaScript Applications
- React interface to Google maps
react-maps - A map
component for React
- React.js Google Maps integration component
- A Google Maps component for React.js
react-map-gl - A
React wrapper for MapboxGL-js plus overlay API
- Isomorphic google map React component
- A mapbox-gl-js wrapper to make the API react friendly
- A declarative Google Map React component using React, lazy-loading
dependencies, current-location finder and a test-driven approach by the
Fullstack React team.
react-leaflet - React
components for Leaflet maps
react-geo - A set
of geo-related components using react, antd, and ol
pigeon-maps -
ReactJS maps without external dependencies
vx - Visualization
victory - A
collection of composable React components for building interactive data
react-vis - Data
Visualization Components
recharts - Redefined
chart library built with React and D3
nivo - Provides a rich set
of data visualization components, built on top of the D3 and React
- Apache ECharts components for React wrapper
- React Component for ApexCharts
chartify - React plugin
for building charts using CSS
React Native
Framework for building native apps using React
React Native General Resources
React Native Tutorials
React Native Sample Apps
React Native Boilerplates
Create React Native App
- Create React Native apps that run on iOS, Android, and web
Ignite - The hottest
CLI for React Native, boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more!
React Native Awesome Components
React Native Libraries
Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
Redux General Resources
react-redux -
Official React bindings for Redux
redux-toolkit -
The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient
Redux development
redux-devtools -
DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable
reselect - Selector
library for Redux
redux-thunk - Thunk
middleware for redux
redux-saga - An
alternative side effect model for Redux apps
- A Redux binding for React Router
redux-form - A
Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state
normalizr -
Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema
- RxJS middleware for Redux
redux-undo - Higher
order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to redux state containers
redux-persist -
Persist and rehydrate a redux store
Redux Tutorials
A query language for your API
GraphQL General Resources
GraphQL Tutorials
GraphQL Implementations
Database Integration
Hasura - Instant GraphQL for all your
Prisma - Next-generation ORM for
Node.js and TypeScript
- GraphQL & Relay for MySQL & Postgres via Sequelize
Data-Driven React Applications
Relay General Resources
Relay Tutorials
Important Talks
Video Tutorials
Demo React Apps
Real React Apps
kibana - Your window
into the Elastic Stack
firefox debugger
- The Firefox debugger that works anywhere
spectrum –
Simple, powerful online communities
- Open source Slack alternative
overreacted -
Personal blog by Dan Abramov
winamp2-js -
Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser
dnote - A command line
notebook with multi-device sync and web interface
This list started as personal collection of interesting things about
React. At the time it started React was in beta, there was special script
to transform JSX to JS and even Flux was not yet published. React is
mainstream now, lots of things happened. Please, do not try to use this
list as advertisement board or place for public push of your experiments.
Only fully free resources here, please. Do not hesitate to suggest
cleaning PRs for outdated projects and articles along with new
contributions. Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♡ welcome,
though. (✿◠‿◠)