Awesome AutoIt
A curated list of awesome UDFs, example scripts, tools and useful
resources for AutoIt.
Created by Juno_okyo. Inspired
by the awesome list
Table Of Contents
Listing of libraries of
user defined functions
(UDF). These libraries have been written to allow easy integration into
your own scripts and are a very valuable resource for any programmer.
Microsoft Office
Databases and web connections
Data compression
Encryption and hash
GUI Additions
Internet protocol suite
Advanced Math UDF (by scintilla4evr)
- This is an UDF full of advanced mathematical functions. It allows to
work with primes, create number sequences, interpolate, calculate values
of functions like Riemann zeta.
Advanced rounding (by Mat)
- Support for different measures of accuracy and 8 ways to resolve tie
Big number (by eukalyptus)
- Make calculations with extremely large numbers that AutoIt normally is
not able to support.
Decimal To fraction (by Malkey)
- Converts any decimal number to a fraction. Example: 1.2 to 6/5.
Number base conversion (by james3mg)
- From, to and between positive bases less than 63 (decimals supported).
NumToWord (by Mat)
- Convert numerals to a human readable string.
Polynomials (by Mat)
- Functions for using polynomials.
Primes (by jennico)
- Many functions dealing with prime number generation and calculations.
Roman Numerals (by AZJIO)
- Roman Numerals.
Root function (by Mat)
- Working out real roots of numbers.
StringAPL (by minx)
- inline APL interpreter.
Trigonometry math functions (by trancexx)
- _ATan2(), _Cosh(), _Frexp(), _Hypot(), _Ldexp(), _Logb(), _Sinh(),
FreeImage library (by ProgAndy)
- Various operations on images, such as rotate, resize, flip.
HtmlHelp (by Geodetic)
- HtmlHelp UDF.
OCR (by ptrex)
- Real OCR in AU3 - MODI with MS Office 2003.
OCR (by seangriffin)
- Tesseract (Screen OCR) UDF.
Printer controller (by martin)
- Print text in any font, size and colour at any position on the page,
draw lines, curves, elipses, pies in any colour, and print images.
Printing (by GRS)
- Printing from AutoIt.
RTF_Printer (by mLipok)
- RTF_Printer.au3 - Printing RichEdit in the background.
Simple DirectMedia Layer (by AdmiralClaws)
- Adds support for joysticks, CDs, 2D graphics, timers. See
SDL website for more information.
Graphics and image
BASS Function Library (by BrettF)
- Sound and Music via wrappers for Bass, BassEnc, Bass FX, BassSFX,
BassAsio and BassCd DLLs.
MIDI (by eynstyne)
SAPIListBox (by seangriffin)
- SAPIListBox (Speech Recognition) UDF.
TTS (by Beege)
- Text-to-Speech UDF.
libZPlay (by Danyfirex)
- UDF for libZPlay - multimedia library for playing mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg,
flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm files and streams.
Android (by Moriba)
- Android UDF.
Animated tray icons (by Yashied)
- Make animated tray icons easily.
Atom Table (by Ascend4nt)
- Store strings locally (at program level) or globally (at OS level)
with unique numerical identifiers. This UDF lets you add, find, delete,
and query these atoms.
Barcode generators (by willichan)
- Creates a Code128A/B/C or Creates a Code39 or Code39Extended optimized
barcode from supplied data.
Binary (by Ward)
- Binary UDF.
BinaryCall (by Ward)
- BinaryCall UDF - Write Subroutines In C, Call In AutoIt.
Clipboard History (by wraithdu)
- Save and restore the entire clipboard contents. Inspired by AHK’s
CmdLine (by Jefrey)
- Collection of functions to parse command line arguments.
Copy (by Yashied)
- Copy or move files and directories without suspending your script.
Retrieve the current state (copied bytes, error code etc.) while
DDEML (by doudou)
- With DDEML UDF one can use an AutoIt script as a DDE client or server.
_DLLStructDisplay (by Ascend4nt)
- Show Struct in ListView.
Experimental Maps UDF (by TheDcoder)
- UDF for the new Map datatype in AutoIt, similar to the Array UDF
included in standard UDFs.
FASM (by Ward)
- The Embedded Flat Assembler (FASM) UDF.
_FileGetMimeType (by Wiliat87)
- _FileGetMimeType UDF.
File locking with cooperative semaphores (by willichan)
- Simple file locking without a server.
FindMimeFromData (by twbradio)
- FindMimeFromData using urlmon.dll.
Hotkey.au3 (by Yashied)
- Management of Hotkeys UDF, with several advantages over HotkeySet().
Inline Assembly (by Ward)
- Assembles the code to binary machine code and runs it.
LFN (by orbs)
- LFN UDF - overcome MAX_PATH limit of 256 chars.
LASM - Light Assembler (by minxomat)
- This is the Inline UDF for an Assembler
MemoryDll (by Ward)
- Embed DLLs in script and call functions from memory.
NoFocusLines (by Melba23)
- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and
checkboxes which spoil the look of your GUI.
NotifyIcon (by FireFox)
- NotifyIcon UDF (formerly TrayIconEx) - Create, delete and manage self
notify icons.
PixelGetColor (by Manadar)
- Get or Read Pixel from Memory UDF.
RDC (by Yashied)
- ReadDirectoryChanges Wrapper.
Resources (by Zedna)
- Resources UDF.
ResourcesEx (by guinness)
- ResourcesEx UDF (up to date with the current AutoIt language syntax
Spell Checker (by iCode)
- Spell Checker UDF - Hunspell.
StringSize (by Melba23)
- Automatically size controls to fit the text you want to put in them.
Synology filestation (by nend)
- UDF for users of Synology NAS server.
TVExplorer (by Yashied)
- TVExplorer UDF.
SciLexer (by Kip)
- SciLexer UDF.
AutoItAppveyor (by KyleChamberlin)
- This library contains functions for integrating your AutoIt scripts
and programs with Appveyor CI.
Micro Unit Testing Framework (by KyleChamberlin)
- Micro is a xUnit style testing framework design for use with AutoIt.
TeenyScript (by tarretarretarre)
- TeenyScript is a Superset of AutoIt which makes it more advanced.
TeenyScript code are parsed into native AutoiT code.
Logger (by Worlor)
- Logger is an all-in-one logging utility really easy to use ! It enable
log rotate per day and zip it after x days
contains SciTE, wrapped into a single installer with all needed
configuration settings and lots of utility programs like
etc to enhanced SciTE for use with AutoIt3.
KODA Form Designer - a standalone
application that was developed to help creating forms (GUIs) for AutoIt3
scripting language. It’s included in SciTE4AutoIt3.
ISN AutoIt Studio
- a complete IDE for the AutoIt programming language.
ISN AutoIT form Studio
- Graphical Form Designer for AutoIt.
AutoIt Obfuscator
- Obfuscate your AutoIt script source code & algorithms to protect
it against reverse engineering analysis, cracking and decompilation.
Useful Resources
Tutorials -
There are many tutorials available for AutoIt. This page is an overview
of a few known tutorials.
Best coding practices
- a detailed explanation of what are to be considered the best coding
practices within AutoIt. These recommendations are based on accepted
coding practices common to a number of other programming languages. You
do not need to follow them, but it is recommended that you do.
- generally single functions or small pieces of code which can be
incorporated into a script to add extra functionality.
Syntax Highlighter
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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