

Self-hosting is the practice of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaSS providers.

This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Non-Free software is listed on the Non-Free page.

See Contributing.

Table of contents

Click on the menu icon next to for a list of sections



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Please visit Awesome Analytics

Related: Personal Dashboards

Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)

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Some Content Management System solutions also feature archiving and digital preservation.


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Related: Internet of Things (IoT)

Blogging Platforms

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Related: Static Site Generators, Content Management Systems

See also: WeblogMatrix

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Calendar & Contacts

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Related: Groupware

See also: Comparison of CalDAV and CardDAV implementations - Wikipedia

Calendar & Contacts - CalDAV or CardDAV Servers

Calendar & Contacts - CalDAV or CardDAV Web-based Clients


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Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Communication - Email

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Communication - Email - Complete Solutions

Simple deployment of a mail server, e.g. for inexperienced or impatient admins.

Communication - Email - Mail Transfer Agents

MTAs / SMTP servers

Communication - Email - Mail Delivery Agents

MDAs - IMAP/POP3 software

Communication - Email - Mailing Lists and Newsletters

Mailing lists servers and mass mailing software - one message to many recipients.

Communication - Email - Webmail Clients

Communication - IRC

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IRC communication software

Communication - SIP

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SIP/IPBX telephony software

Communication - Social Networks and Forums

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Communication - XMPP

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Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol software

Communication - XMPP - Servers

Communication - XMPP - Web Clients

Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)

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Management and administration tools for community supported agriculture and food cooperatives

Conference Management

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Content Management Systems (CMS)

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CMS are a practical way to setup a website with many features. CMS often come with third party plugins, themes and functionality that is easy to add and customize to your needs.

Related: Blogging Platforms, Static Site Generators

Recipe Management



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See also: awesome-sysadmin/DNS

Document Management

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Document Management - E-books

Document Management - Integrated Library Systems (ILS)

Related: Content Management Systems (CMS), Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)

Document Management - Institutional Repository and Digital Library Software

Federated Identity & Authentication

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Please visit awesome-sysadmin/Identity Management

Feed Readers

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RSS/Atom automation

Distributed Filesystems

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Please visit awesome-sysadmin/Distributed Filesystems

File Transfer & Synchronization

Related: Groupware

File Transfer - Peer-to-peer Filesharing

File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload

File Transfer - Command-line File Upload

File Transfer - Web-based File Managers


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Games, game servers and control panels.

Gateways and Terminal Sharing

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Human Resources Management (HRM)

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Internet of Things (IoT)

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Knowledge Management Tools

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Learning and Courses

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Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)

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See also: awesome-gis.

Media Streaming

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See also: List of streaming media systems - Wikipedia, Comparison of streaming media systems - Wikipedia

Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming

Media Streaming - Audio Streaming

Media Streaming - Video Streaming


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Money, Budgeting & Management

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See also: awesome-sysadmin/IT Asset Management


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Please visit awesome-sysadmin/Monitoring, awesome-sysadmin/Metric and Metric Collection

Note-taking & Editors

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Related: Wikis

Office Suites

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Password Managers

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Personal Dashboards

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Related: Monitoring

Photo and Video Galleries

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Polls and Events

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Booking and Scheduling


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Read-it-later Lists

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Resource Planning

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Resource Planning - Enterprise Resource Planning

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Search Engines

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Software Development

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Software Development - Project Management

Related: Ticketing, Task management & To-do lists

See also: awesome-sysadmin/Code Review

Software Development - Bug Trackers

Please visit Ticketing

Software Development - IDE & Tools

Software Development - Continuous Integration & Deployment

Please visit awesome-sysadmin/Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Software Development - UX Testing

Software Development - FaaS & Serverless

Serverless computing - Wikipedia

Software Development - API Management

Software Development - Documentation Generators

Related: Static site generators

Software Development - Localization

Static Site Generators

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Please visit,

Task Management & To-do Lists

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Related: Software Development - Project Management, Ticketing.


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Related: Task management & To-do lists, Software Development - Project Management

URL Shorteners

Before hosting one, please see shortcomings of URL shorteners.

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Please visit awesome-sysadmin/VPN

Web Servers

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Please visit awesome-sysadmin/Web


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Related: Software Development - Documentation Generators

See also: Wikimatrix, Wiki Engines - WikiIndex, List of wiki software - Wikipedia, Comparison of wiki software - Wikipedia.

Self-hosting Solutions

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List of Licenses

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Contributing guidelines can be found in .github/


The list of authors can be found in


This list is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.