Awesome text editing Awesome

A curated collection of text editing libraries, services, and resources for the web.

Rich-text editors using contenteditable

Code editors

Markdown editors

Heuristic for contenteditable rich-text editors

Editor should: * Be stable * Be open source * Handle soft breaks * Be able to manipulate styles on block level elements * Be able to manipulate styles on inline level elements * Be able to manipulate classes on block level elements * Be able to manipulate classes on inline level elements * Be able to alter custom attributes on block level elements * Be able to alter custom attributes on inline level elements * Cache the selection * Have iframing capabilities as well as inline mode capability * Change the tag type of nodes * Clear the format * Have a concise api * Support various module loaders * AMD & Common.js * Should have an organization backing the service and have a potential paid support plan * Should copy & paste from Microsoft word
