Digital Tools for Activism

digital tools for activism
digital tools for activism


Below is a curated list of awesome digital tools for activism. These are tools for individuals, ad-hoc groups or formal organizations that are campaigning, organizing or communicating for social change. Some of these tools are open source projects that requires some technical knowledge to set up and host yourself. Some are software-as-a-service tools that you use by going to a webpage in your browser. Feel free to share suggestions.

Table of Contents

  1. Open Source, host-it-yourself tools
  2. Software as a service tools
  3. Projects in development
  4. How do I contribute to this list?
  5. License

The List

Open-source host-it-yourself:

Software as a service:

Operating Systems:

## Browsers:

Projects to keep an eye on (ie projects in development)

These are all projects that are works in process. Not finished, but worth checking out.

The Graveyad

These are projects or tools that once-existed but no longer exist * Thunderclap - use this to coordinate a group sharing the same message on social media at the same time. You write a tweet, make a campaign, and ask people to pledge to support your campaign. When you reach your goal of a certain number of pledgers, your tweet will automatically be posted to each pledger’s social media.

How do I contribute to this list

Have an idea of a tool that should be on this list? Here’s how you can add it: * Familiar with github? Send a pull request with your suggestions. If you’re not sure how to do that don’t sweat it. See below. * Not familiar with github? You can leave a comment on this page by clicking on the Issues tab on the right and adding a New Issue (that’s just like a comment). FYI you’ll need to create a github account.


No copyright intended.


To the extent possible under law, Drew Wilson has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.