awesome-ama-answers Awesome

A curated list of awesome AMA answers

Inspired by the awesome list thing.

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Q: “How do you think the web will look like in 10 years?” [@sindresorhus](

A: Answer [@hemanth](

Q: “One-line node modules” [@hemanth](

A: Answer [@sindresorhus](

Q: “What do u think about python?” [@harshasrinivas](

A: Answer [@passy](

Q: “What’s your trick for dealing with shitty GitHub issues?” [@passy](

A: Answer [@arthurvr](

Q: “How do you Open Source?” [@jdpedrie](

A: Answer [@stephenplusplus](

Q: “Well, what do you think about PostCSS?” [@HoBi](

A: Answer [@HugoGiraudel](

Q: “What do you think comes after JS?” [@maxhoffmann](

A: Answer [@passy](

Q: “How do I grow an Epic Beard like yours?” [@programatt](

A: Answer [@ChrisMissal]( :neckbeard:

Q: “This is how I always read your username. How does this image make you feel?” [@thejameskyle](

A: Answer [@sindresorhus](

Q: “Why people stress to use Immutable structures in javascript ?” [@annamalai-saro](

A: Answer [@passy](

Q: “Why do you travel?” [@sindresorhus](

A: Answer [@RichardLitt](

Q: “What do you think about dinosaurs?” [@sindresorhus](

A: Answer [@RichardLitt](

Q: “In your opinion, what are some daily habits that made you a better developer.” [@najela](

A: Answer [@holman](

Q: “How do you think the future of Haskell looks?” [@robbbz](

A: Answer [@passy](

Q: “Do you think getting a computer science degree is necessary?” [@ankurkaushal](

A: Answer [@gaearon](


:star: If you think an answer from an AMA is worth sharing please open a PR. :star:



To the extent possible under law, Christoph Hermann has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.