A curated list of events from around the globe for creative coding, tech, design, music, arts and cool stuff.
Contributions are welcomed. Add or update links through pull requests.
London Creative Coding Meetup - Bimonthly meetup aiming to gather like minded creatives from all backgrounds.
Visualising Data London - Bimonthly meetup for people who design, write code, draw or like to think about data visualisation.
Algorithmic Art - Monthly meetup in London and other meetups in Cornwall to inspire artists to learn to code, technologists to explore art, and first time coders to get started in fun way that stimulates the senses.
Encode - 2 day data viz conference. (September)
Interactive storytelling Meetup - For everyone working with, or interested in, interactive and/or digital storytelling.
Creative Coding Amsterdam - Meetup for people of all levels interested in all creative aspects of computer programming.
FITC Amsterdam - 2 day event about design, technology and cool shit. (February)
The Next Web - Europe’s largest tech festival. (June)
Immersive Art Festival - The Atelier des Lumières is a digital art centre where immersive exhibitions dedicated to the greatest artists in the history of art and more contemporary creations are projected. (October)
Grow - The first parisian event dedicated to advanced creative coding. (November)
Mutek Barcelona - Electronic music and the digital arts festival. (March)
Offf Barcelona - Conference for offline/online designers, motion designers, thinkers, sound designers, graphic designers, theorists, developers, professionals and students. (April)
Sonar - Music, creativity & technology. (June)
To the extent possible under law, Dan Voyce has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.