Awesome PICO-8
A curated list of PICO-8 resources, tutorials, tools and more. Inspired by
the awesome list
thing. You might also like
awesome-lua and
PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and
other computer programs. When you turn it on, the machine greets you with
a shell for typing in a subset of
Lua commands and provides simple
built-in tools for creating your own cartridges.
Sprite Editor -
External sprite editor compatible with Pico-8 and PicoLove.
pico2png - Spritesheet
extraction written in perl.
Spritesheets and tools for the PICO-8 Palette
- Compilation of works assest and tools using the PICO-8 palette.
Pico8Utils -
Compilation of lua scripts based on the unix philosophy for working with
.p8 files.
picotool - Tools
and Python libraries for manipulating Pico-8 game files.
p8dl - Carts Downloader - Python
- Downloads cartridges into the correct folder (looks at your
Pico-8 Carts Downloader - Bash
- Downloads cartridge from the BBS (single cart, whole index or dump
your favourited entries) & rename them according to their metadata.
p8 responsive webplayer transform
- Python script that makes your HTML export page responsive.
Color Palette
- Hex and RGB colors codes for web.
PICO-8 font - by
pico-test - PICO-8
testing framework.
Lib-Pico8 - A
Pico-8 library of useful common functions.
- Provides Lua built-in functions to pico8.
P8Coder - A
programming tool that replaces the lua code in pico-8 cartridges (p8)
with the code you write in P8Coder.
Pico-Kit - An
opinionated collection of Pico-8 helpers that make it easier to get
going. Adds OOP, better debugging, and physics.
picoDeploy -
Deploy Pico-8 carts as standalone applications on desktop (Electron) and
mobile (Ionic).
- A build system for pico8 games, using gruntjs.
PICO-EC - A tiny
scene-entity-component library created for the PICO-8 fantasty console.
PICO-Tween - A
small library of tweening/easing functions for use in the PICO-8 fantasy
console, inspired by Robert Penner’s easing functions.
p8 - A dependency manager
and build tool. Lets you share code/sprites,
dependencies, and auto-reload carts on save.
Works with any external code editor and supports
- A tool to convert MIDI files to PICO-8 music.
midi2pico - A MIDI to
PICO-8 converter.
Denote - Converts MIDI
files into SFX data– interactive and web based.
Custom template
- A simple and clean template, that fixes issues with fullscreen, mouse
and just looks nice.
Fillp Tool
- A simple helper tool for generating fillp patterns.
Depict - Converts image
into a dithered image using PICO-8 colors and reduces it to a maximum
size of 128 x 128.
picoCAD - A PICO-8
program to build and texture lowpoly 3D models.
pico8-deploy - An
easy way to export and deploy PICO-8 projects to
yap8b - Build tool for
creating pico carts from multiple source files.
Text Editors Language Support
Programming Fonts
You might be interested to install
pico-8 programming fonts
they support the pico-8 custom characters as well as various fonts (bitmap
and regular anti-aliased fonts). Check the
BBS thread here.
How to install the font(s):
Linux: copy the files on ~/.fonts and
sudo fc-cache -f -v
- Windows: copy the files on c:/windows/fonts/
Hacks - undocumented PICO-8 features
Mouse - How to
retrieve mouse coordinates (with demo).
p8keyboard.js -
Javascript “keyboard adapter” for the Pico-8. Send ASCII characters to a
Pico-8 program running in a browser.
SFX Modifications
- Four effects that can only be applied by modifying memory (with demo).
Tracker State/Audio Memory Locations
- How to access and modify audio data as it is playing.
GameShell - A modular
handheld game console that allows you to play & modify retro games
and DIY new devices. Check the
GameShell Docs
for how to run PICO-8 on the GameShell.
Articles & Posts
Indie Retro News
- A great introduction to PICO-8 by
Sharing the love
- Making games with PICO-8. linux conf au 2017 - Hobart, Australia
TIC-80 by Nesbox - Tiny
Computer, available on HTML 5, Windows, Linux 32/64bit, Android &
PicoLove - Pico-8
Reimplementation in LÖVE.
LIKO-12 - An open
source fantasy computer made using LÖVE with 96kb RAM.
PX8 - Open Source Fantasy
Console (128x128 pixels) in Rust (with Python/LUA code support).
tac08 - tac08 is an
emulation of the runtime part of the Pico-8 fantasy console, running on
RG350 handheld game console.
I Want to Contribute!
Great! :smiley:
Please, read the
contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law,
Felipe Bueno has waived all
copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
See LICENSE for more information.