Awesome Vapor
Vapor is currently one of the most
popular server-side Swift frameworks. It allows you to take the language
you already know if you ever developed an iOS application and use it in a
whole new way, to develop fast, scalable and reliable back-end systems
that integrate easily with a wide range of third party services. This is a
curated list of:
modern libraries that easily integrate with Vapor and follow Vapor’s
philosophy of providing simple, clean yet powerful APIs;
- well-written tutorials, books, videos and education materials;
tools to make your development process simpler and more enjoyable;
- and more!
How to use
Simply press Command + F to search for a keyword. If
you’re only interested in entries related to
Vapor 3
or only to
Vapor 4, you may use the automatically generated filtered lists available on the
branch by visiting the links in this sentence. You
may also find the legacy archived content in the
API Error Middleware
– Vapor middleware for converting thrown errors to JSON responses.
for iOS.
Bugsnag – Report
errors with Bugsnag.
CouchDB Client –
Simple CouchDB client for Vapor.
CrudRouter –
Automatic RESTful CRUD router generation for any Fluent Model.
CSRF – A package
to add protection to Vapor against CSRF attacks.
CSV Framework – A simple
framework to read and write CSV files.
Ferno – Vapor
Firebase Realtime database provider.
Flash – Flash
messages between views.
FluentQuery –
Build complex raw SQL queries while still using Swift keypaths.
Gatekeeper –
Rate limiting middleware for Vapor.
Google Cloud Provider
– Interact with Google Cloud Platform APIs from your Vapor project.
Guardian – Modern
rate-limiting middleware.
Imperial –
Federated Authentication with OAuth providers.
JWT Keychain –
Easily scaffold a keychain using JWT for Vapor.
JWT Middleware –
Middleware to Authenticate and Authorize Requests in Vapor.
Leaf Error Middleware
– Serve up custom 404 and server error pages for your Vapor App.
Leaf Markdown
– Markdown renderer for Vapor.
Lingo Vapor
– Vapor provider for Lingo – the Swift localization library.
Local Storage –
Storage driver using local filesystem.
MailCore – Sending
e-mails via SMTP, MailGun and SendGrid.
Meow – An alternative
codable ORM for MongoDB.
MongoKitten –
MongoDB driver in Swift.
Pagination –
Simple Vapor 3 Pagination.
Paginator – Query
pagination for Vapor and Fluent.
S3 – Library for accessing
the Amazon S3 service (and compatible) with support for most commonly
used operations.
S3 Storage –
Library for simple access to the Amazon S3 service.
Sanitize – Powerful
model extraction from Vapor JSON requests.
SendGrid Provider
– SendGrid-powered mail backend for Vapor.
– A simple file logging provider for Vapor.
Slugify –
Convenience for sluggifying your strings.
Storage – Eases the
use of multiple storage and CDN services.
Stripe Provider
– Stripe Provider for Vapor.
Submissions –
Conveniences for creating forms and validating (form) submissions.
Sugar – A package of
sugar for Vapor.
SwifQL – Easily
build flexible and type-safe SQL with pure Swift.
SwiftyBeaver Provider
– SwiftyBeaver Logging Provider for Vapor, the server-side Swift web
Telesign Provider
– A Telesign provider for Vapor.
Vapor Mailgun Service
– A service to be used with Vapor to send emails.
– Validate Google reCAPTCHAs using Vapor.
Vapor Request Storage
– A replacement for
which was available in
Vapor 1 & 2.
Vapor Security Headers
– Harden Your Security Headers For Vapor.
Vapor Test Tools
– Helper designed to make testing your endpoints in Vapor 3 pain-free.
VaporExt – A
collection of Swift extensions for wide range of Vapor data types and
Build PDF files from Leaf templates or web pages through the
CLI tool.
XMLCoding – XML
encoder and decoder.
Ether – A Command-Line
Interface for the Swift Package Manager.
Heroku buildpack: curl with HTTP/2 support
Ice – A developer friendly
package manager for Swift; 100% compatible with Swift Package Manager.
Sourcery –
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
Sublimate –
Fast prototyping with synchronization and authentication based on
Swifter – A macOS tool
to help you manage your Xcode projects and give you a quick access to
DerivedData folder cleaning and management.
VaporNation – Weekly Vapor
newsletter with all things Vapor.
Open-source Projects
SteamPress – A
Blogging Engine and Platform written in Swift for use with the Vapor
User Manager Service
– A small, useful user manager made for production application setups.
Swifttube – Curates
iOS conference videos in one place.
To the extent possible under law, Milan Vit has waived all
copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.