Awesome Wicket
A curated list of awesome projects powered by
Apache Wicket
Your contributions are always welcome!
Wicket is an open source, component oriented, serverside, Java web
application framework. With a history of over a decade, it is still
going strong and has a solid future ahead.
Table of Contents
Generic Info
List of libraries and components which can be used in your application
JNPM - Java library
for JS Node Package Manager(NPM). Provides Wicket resource for
transparent obtaining of NPM package and providing required file from
wicket-akka -
Integration of Akka for Wicket.
- Makes your life easier by automatic creation of component according to
provided annotation.
- Integration of Bootstrap Toolkit for Wicket.
- Helper library that allows javascript logging on client side, all log
messages will be stored on server side too.
- Lightweight AJAX-enabled web console for runtime execution JS scripts
on server side.
- Library to easily create CRUD’s with wicket.
wicket-dnd -
Generic Drag&Drop framework for Wicket.
- Integration of Wicket with ExtJS with event handling and a focus on
making the Java-API as close to the JS-API as possible.
- Integration of
FullCalendar javascript lib with
- Adapter to run JAR-RX resources on
Jersey2 under Wicket.
- Library for working with JQuery and Wicket.
wicket-jquery-ui -
JQuery UI integration in Wicket 1.5.x, Wicket 6.x & Wicket7.x.
- Wicket-modelfactory is an API to create Wicket PropertyModels in a
typesafe and refactoring-safe way.
- Provides a specialized panel and some related utilities that enables
users to work with Mustache and Wicket.
- Integration of Wicket with
- Helper to use require.js in your Wicket application.
- Components leveraging the use of the
Shield UI JavaScript library.
wicket-source -
Speeds up Wicket development by providing click-through from browser
HTML back to the original Wicket components in your source.
- Makes it easy to create Wicket projects with a minimum of
configuration effort by using Sprint Boot.
- Integration of webjars for Wicket.
wicked-charts -
Beautiful and interactive javascript charts for Java-based web
WicketStuff based
- Mount your pages declarativly by java annotations.
Annotation Event Dispatcher
- Improves events handling in Wicket by annotations.
Async Tasks
- Control a background process within a Wicket application.
Autocomplete TagIt
- TagIt integration with
- Mozilla Persona integration
with Wicket.
Console -
Provides support for executing code dynamically (at runtime).
Context -
Used to locate components,models and models’ objects declaratively with
@Context annotation.
- Support of dashboards for Wicket for quick access to required
information in widgets.
- Collection of various implementation of
IDataStore: MemCached,
Apache Cassandra,
Datatable Autocomplete
- Provides a search data structure known as a
Trie that allows AJAX
searches on large datasets fast.
- DataTables jQuery Plugin
Editable Grid
- A grid component with add/edit/delete feature all at once, apart from
supporting sorting/filtering/paging.
Eidogo -
SGF viewer and editor for GO game (also called baduk, igo or weiqi).
- Contains wicket components and behaviors to use the
Facebook social plugins with wicket.
Fast Serializer
- Wicket Serializer using the Fast 1.x (FST) library.
Fast Serializer 2
- Wicket Serializer using the Fast 2.x (FST) library.
GMap3 -
Offers a component to use Google Maps v3 within Wicket applications.
Google AppEngine Initializer
- Provides Wicket’s org.apache.wicket.IInitializer implementation that
auto-configures the Wicket Application to be runable at Google
Google Charts
- Allows creation of charts using the
Google Chart API.
Contains classes that give wicket support for using exciting new Html5
HTML Compressor
- Integration library for Wicket and
- Data grid component.
Java EE Inject
- Provides integration through Java EE 5 resource injection.
JEE Web Integration
- Embed Servlet, JSP abd JSF content into wicked HTML pages.
JqPlot Plugin Integration
- Produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features.
JWicket UI Toolip
- Generate the JavaScript needed to provide a Wicket Component with a
jQuery UI tooltip.
Kryo Serializer
- An implementation of org.apache.wicket.serialize.ISerializer for
Kryo2 Serializer
- An implementation of org.apache.wicket.serialize.ISerializer for
- Type-safe model implementation.
Lightbox2 Plugin Integration
- Simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on top of the
current page.
Logback -
The home for classes that can help with using wicket and
logback together.
- JMX panel, to view and operate the applications mbeans.
Minis -
Collection of assorted components and behaviors that are too small to
warrant their own project.
ModalX - A
lightweight extension to Wicket’s ModalWindow capabilities that comes
with standardized MessageBox class and allows easy definition of Modal
dialog box classes.
OSGI - Lets
you use Wicket in OSGi environments.
Open Layers 3
- Provides a set of components that may be used to add interactive maps
to a Wicket application.
Integrates Wicket projects to Apache POI.
- Provides a progress bar component for Wicket.
Push -
Provides support for Reverse AJAX in Wicket applications and allows them
to “push” partial Web page updates to the Web browser.
Scala Extensions
- Improves the syntax of Wicket models when using the Scala programming
- Provides Apache Wicket components that leverage
Select2 JavaScript
library to build select boxes that provide Ajax choice filtering, custom
rendering and etc.
Servlet Container Authentication and Authorization
- Simplify the integration of wicket-auth-roles with the servlet 3
security container.
Spring Reference
- Can be used to integrate a wicket web application with spring.
- Adds a few components that provide more comprehensive stateless
features for Wicket.
TinyMCE Integration
- Integration of the well-known TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor in Wicket.
Twitter -
Contains wicket components and behaviors to use the Twitter widgets with
- With this you can build bookmarkable AJAX features and still support
the back button.
- Provides WiQuery bindings for HighCharts.
- Provides a Whiteboard which can be integrated in any wicket
- Integrates Wicket and
Zurb Foundation.
Wicket Rest Annotations
- Provides a special resource class and a set of annotations to
implement REST API/services in much the same way as we do it with Spring
MVC or with the standard JAX-RS.
WiQuery - Wicket
integration with jQuery and jQuery UI.
WqPlot -
Provides WiQuery bindings for JqPlot.
Web Frameworks
Web Framework on top of wicket which allow you to build your system easily
and smoothly
Apache Isis - A framework for
rapidly developing domain-driven apps in Java.
BrixCMS - Wicket based CMS (seems
to be dead).
Hippo CMS - Enables enterprises
to continuously refine their online business strategy by responding
quickly to content performance metrics.
Nocket - Naked Object
based framework for wicket.
NoWicket - A naked objects
framework for Wicket that enables developers to write less boilerplate
Wicket code during implementation of complex websites.
Orienteer - Web
framework on top of Wicket and
OrientDB to build you own CRM, CMS,
ERP, mobile app backend or just common site.
Vuecket - Web
Framework which integrates VueJS and Wicket and most natural way for
both of them
Wicketopia - Rapid
Application Development (RAD) library for the Wicket.
End-to-end solution based on wicket and derived
Web Frameworks
eFaps - A list od modules and
applications that together form the base of a configurable ERP
eHour - Open source time
tracking tool.
Estatio - Open source
estate management built on Apache Isis and wicket.
GeoServer - Open
source software server written in Java that allows users to share and
edit geospatial data.
NextReports - Smart business
Orienteer - Open
source Business Application Platform for implementation of data
warehouse, CRM, ERP, app/site backend system and other business apps.
ProjectForge - Open source
software for your project management.
Yes Cart -
Pure e-Commerse platform.