Sass is an extension of CSS that adds
power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables,
nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully
CSS-compatible syntax. Sass helps keep large stylesheets well-organized,
and get small stylesheets up and running quickly.
Sass has two syntaxes. The new main syntax (as of Sass 3) is known as
“SCSS” (for “Sassy CSS”), and is a superset of CSS’s syntax. This means
that every valid CSS stylesheet is valid SCSS as well. SCSS files use the
extension .scss.
The second, older syntax is known as the indented syntax (or just “Sass”).
Inspired by Haml’s terseness, it’s intended for people who prefer
conciseness over similarity to CSS. Instead of brackets and semicolons, it
uses the indentation of lines to specify blocks. Although no longer the
primary syntax, the indented syntax will continue to be supported. Files
in the indented syntax use the extension .sass.
Cirrus - A component
and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping.
Foundation for Sites
- The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly
create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of
Hocus-Pocus -
Universal and lightweight stylesheet starter kit that focuses on base
html elements and typography.
iotaCSS - Open source Sass-based
OOCSS framework built for scale.
Kickoff - Kickoff is a lightweight
front-end framework for creating scalable, performant and responsive
Materialize - Modern responsive
front-end framework based on Material Design.
Breakpoint -
Breakpoint makes writing media queries in Sass super simple.
- Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries.
mq-scss - An extreamly
powerful but easy to use Sass media query mixin.
Sass MediaQueries
- Collection of useful media queries mixins for Sass (including iOS
devices, TVs and more).
Sass MQ - Sass mixin
that helps you compose media queries in an elegant way.
brand-colors - 1100+ collection
of popular brand colors available in Sass, Less, Stylus and CSS.
Open color - Open color
is a color scheme for UI design. Available in CSS, SCSS, LESS, Stylus,
Adobe library, Photoshop/Illustrator swatches and Sketch palette.
sass-planifolia -
Advanced color manipulation and contrast calculation in vanilla Sass.
- Using standard color blending functions in Sass.
Sassline - Set text on the web to a
baseline grid with Sass & rems using a responsive modular-scale.
- Super easy to use Sass mixins to establish a typographic system with
modular scale and vertical rhythm. Based on the Gridlover app.
Shevy - Typography
made easy. A vertical rhythm library.
Typi - Sass mixin to make
responsive typography easy.
Hover - Collection of CSS3
powered hover animated effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos,
SVG, featured images and so on. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
Kf - Sass mixin library for creating
keyframe-based animations from maps.
Sass Burger -
Sass mixin for creating animated hamburger icon.
SpinThatShit -
Set of SCSS mixins for single element loaders and spinners.
Angled Edges -
Sass mixin for creating angled edges on sections by dynamically encoding
Bourbon - Simple and lightweight mixin
library for Sass.
Buttono - A flexible
Sass mixin for creating BEM-style buttons.
Buttons - CSS button
library built using Sass and Compass.
csstyle - A SCSS library to help you
build modular CSS that generates your selectors for you and deals with
specificity automatically.
Family.scss - Set of
26 smart Sass mixins which will help you to manage the style of
:nth-child’ified elements, in an easy and classy way.
Gerillass - A Sass mixin library to
help you create modern web sites.
Modular Scale
- Modular scale calculator built into your Sass.
- Sass/Compass version of Normalize.css, a collection of HTML element
and attribute rulesets to normalize styles across all browsers.
Pretty checkbox
- SCSS/CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons.
retina.js - JavaScript,
SCSS, Sass, Less, and Stylus helpers for rendering high-resolution image
Sass Accoutrement
- Accoutrement modules are Sass toolkits that work together to form the
central configuration of a project. The tools can be used individually,
or integrated for extra power.
Sass Deprecate
- Sass mixin that helps managing code deprecation.
Sass flexbox mixin
- Set of mixins for those who want to mess around with flexbox using the
native support of current browsers.
libsass - C/C++
implementation of a Sass compiler.
- Custom node-sass importer for selector specific imports, node
importing, module importing, globbing support and importing files only
- Navigate through .scss and .sass files efficiently with the
OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub.
sass-extract -
Extract variables from scss files. Use scss to describe styles for use
in javascript by extracting computed styles into js objects. Supports
imports and advanced language features.
SharpScss - P/Invoke
.NET wrapper around libsass to convert SCSS to CSS supporting
NET2.0/NET3.5/NET4.x+ and CoreCLR platform.
stylelint - A mighty, modern CSS
linter that helps you enforce consistent conventions and avoid errors in
your stylesheets. Supports CSS-like syntaxes, including SCSS.