Awesome REST
A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture,
development, test, and performance. Feel free to contribute to this
on-going list.
Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software
- Roy Fielding’s dissertation defining REST
HTTP API design guide extracted from work on the Heroku Platform
Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API
How to design a REST API?
- Full guide tackling security, pagination, filtering, versioning,
partial answers, CORS, etc.
Richardson Maturity Model
- Explained by Martin Fowler, originally presented by Leonard Richardson
at the
QCon 2008.
Enterprise Integration Using REST
- Discusses the constraints and flexibility that you have with nonpublic
APIs, and lessons learned from doing large scale RESTful integration
across multiple teams.
Clear explanation on what HATEOAS is, and why you should use it.
How to GET a cup of coffee
REST API Tutorial - is dedicated to tracking REST API best practices and
making resources available to enable quick reference and self education
for the development crafts-person.
Microsoft REST API Guidelines
- The Microsoft REST API Guidelines, as a design principle, encourages
application developers to have resources accessible to them via a
RESTful HTTP interface.
- Best practices about REST API security
JSON API - Standard for building APIs
in JSON.
RAML - Simple and succinct way to
describe RESTful API.
JSend - Simple
specification that lays down some rules for how JSON responses from web
servers should be formatted.
OData - Open protocol to allow the
creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs.
Quite complex.
Simple format that gives a consistent and easy way to hyperlink between
resources in your API (see: HATEOAS).
JSON-LD - Standard for describing
Linked Data and hypermedia relations in JSON (W3C).
Hydra - Vocabulary for
Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs (W3C).
- - Collection of schemas
describing common data models.
OpenAPI - Formerly known as the
Swagger Specification, OpenAPI specifcation is the world’s most popular
description format for defining Restful APIs.
PHP Clients
Guzzle - HTTP
client and framework for consuming RESTful web services.
Buzz - Another
lightweight HTTP client.
unirest for PHP -
Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
JavaScript Clients
restangular -
AngularJS service to handle REST API properly and easily.
restful.js - JS
client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources.
traverson - A
Hypermedia API/HATEOAS Client for Node.js and the Browser
- Generates static client libs for js.
Node.js Clients
Ruby Clients
RESTClient -
Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax
for specifying actions.
Spyke - Interact with REST
services in an ActiveRecord-like manner.
excon - Usable, fast,
simple Ruby HTTP 1.1. It works great as a general HTTP(s) client and is
particularly well suited to usage in API clients.
httparty - Makes
HTTP fun again!
- Net::HTTP provides a rich library which can be used to build HTTP
- Auto generate API client from a RAML file.
Go Clients
gopencils - Small and
simple package to easily consume REST APIs.
resty - Simple HTTP and
REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client.
Directly On Top Of A RMDB
postgrest - Serve a
fully RESTful API directly from an existing PostgreSQL database.
MySQL HTTP plugin
- Simple REST-like / CRUD server for any MySQL database.
pREST - A fully RESTful API
from any existing PostgreSQL database written in Go.
node-restify -
Framework specifically meant for REST API.
Sails.js - Node.js Web framework
embedding a command to generate automatically a REST API.
mers - Express service
exposing Mongoose finders as RESTful API.
Baucis - Build scalable
REST API based on your Mongoose entities.
- Isomorphic Resource engine for JavaScript.
loopback - Powerful Node.js framework
for creating APIs and easily connecting to backend data sources.
Feathers - is a real-time,
micro-service web framework that gives you control over your data via
RESTful resources, sockets and flexible plug-ins.
Expressa - Express
middleware for creating APIs from JSON schemas with a simple admin
editor and permissions model.
rest-hapi -
Generate RESTful API based on mongoose models that supports relational
Nestjsx/crud - Generate
CRUD controllers and services for RESTful API with NestJS and TypeORM.
Microrest -
Micro-web application providing a REST API on top of any relational
Negotiation -
Content negotiation library.
Drest - Library for
exposing Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints.
Restler - Lightweight
framework to expose PHP methods as RESTful web API.
HAL - Hypertext
Application Language (HAL) builder library.
- API builder built with Zend Framework 2.
phprest - Specialized
REST microframework for PHP.
Hateoas - PHP
library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web
Fusio - Open source API
management platform.
Django REST framework
- Powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs.
django-tastypie - Creating
delicious APIs for Django apps.
flask-restful -
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.
- Flask extension for generating ReSTful APIs for database models
defined with SQLAlchemy (or Flask-SQLAlchemy).
hug - Lightweight and fast API
sandman - Automated
REST APIs for existing database-driven systems.
restless -
Framework agnostic REST framework based on lessons learned from
savory-pie - REST
API building library (django, and others).
Python Eve - Eve is an open source
Python REST API framework designed for human beings. It allows to
effortlessly build and deploy highly customizable, fully featured
RESTful Web Services.
Ramses - Makes
RAML files executable by generating production-ready APIs from them at
Flask-Potion -
Flask-Potion is a powerful Flask extension for building RESTful JSON
APIs. It also provides several Clients for easier access to the API.
apistar - A smart Web
API framework, designed for Python 3.
Falcon - Falcon is a
bare-metal Python web API framework for building high-performance
microservices, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
FastAPI - FastAPI is a
modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with
Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints. With automatic API
documentation using Swagger UI and ReDoc, based on OpenAPI and JSON
Grape - Opinionated
micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
Rails -
RailsGuides: Using Rails for API-only applications.
gocrud: Go library
to simplify creating, updating and deleting arbitrary depth structured
data — to make building REST services fast and easy.
go-json-rest -
Thin layer on top of
that helps building RESTful
APIs easily.
sleepy - RESTful
micro-framework written in Go.
restit - Go micro
framework to help writing RESTful API integration test.
go-relax - Framework
of pluggable components to build RESTful API’s.
go-rest - Small and
evil REST framework for Go.
go-restful - A
declarative highly readable framework for building restful API’s.
Goat - Minimalistic REST API
server in Go.
Resoursea - REST
framework for quickly writing resource based services.
Zerver - Zerver is a
expressive, modular, feature completed RESTful framework.
RestExpress -
Netty-based, highly performant, lightweight, container-less,
plugin-extensible, framework that is ideal for microservice
Vertx-Web -
Vert.x-Web is a set of building blocks for building web applications
with Vert.x, a toolkit for building reactive applications on the JVM.
Dropwizard - A
framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web
Chaos - A lightweight
framework for writing REST services in Scala.
Rest for Haskell - This
package allows you to create REST APIs in Haskell. These APIs can be run
in different web frameworks. They can also be used to automatically
generate documentation as well as client libraries.
httpie - Command line
HTTP client, far more dev-friendly than
Postman REST Client
- Chrome extension essential to test manually REST API.
resty - Little command line
REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh).
jq - Command line JSON
processor, to use in combination with a command-line HTTP client like
HttpMaster - GUI tool for
testing REST APIs and services. Windows OS only.
Http-console -
Command line interface for HTTP that let you
speak HTTP like a local
HTTP Prompt - HTTP
Prompt is an interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete
and syntax highlighting, built on HTTPie and prompt_toolkit.
- Java DSL for easy testing of REST services.
Insomnia -
Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL Client
- Make HTTP requests with a simple web-based HTTP client.
TestMace - Cross-platform simple but
powerful IDE for API automation testing.
Milkman - Extensible
cross-platform request/response workbench, not only for http calls.
RequestBin - Inspect and debug
webhook requests sent by your clients or third-party APIs.
httpbin - HTTP request and response
service - a/k/a Swiss Army Knife for HTTP.
FakeRest - Patch
XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API client-side.
json-server -
Serve a REST API from fixture files using quick prototyping.
- - Free online service to
create fake HTTP responses.
Swagger API Mock
- Mock RESTful API based on swagger schema
Request Baskets
- Service to collect HTTP requests and inspect them via RESTful API or
web UI.
DuckRails - Mock
quickly & dynamically API endpoints.
Mockoon - Easily create mock APIs
locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
Public REST APIs To Use In Tests
Deck of Cards API - Open API for
simulating a deck of cards.
- The world’s largest API repository.
Public APIS - Explore The
Largest API Directory In The Galaxy.
Marvel Comics API - Query
characters, stories, events about Marvel superheroes.
JSON Placeholder -
Free online REST service that you can use whenever you need some fake
- - Wikipedia for Web APIs, each
API has OpenAPI/Swagger description.
Swagger - Documentation/querying web
interface for REST APIs.
API doc - Inline Documentation for
RESTful web APIs.
raml2html -
Generates HTML documentation from a RAML file.
ReDoc -
OpenAPI/Swagger-powered three-panel documentation.
Slate - Beautiful and
responsive three-panel API documentation using Middleman.
Optic - Maintain an
accurate API specification without writing OpenAPI/Swagger. Works with
any Stack
API Gateway
Kong - Scalable, distributed,
and plugin oriented API gateway backed by Nginx.
Tyk API Gateway -
Lightweight API gateway with analytics logging, written in Go.
API Umbrella - API
management platform for exposing web services, with web interface and
analytics, written in Lua.
WSO2 API Management -
API management tool with lightweight gateway and API lifecycle
manangement, written in Java.
Express Gateway
- Microservices API Gateway built on top of ExpressJS (Node.js).
KrakenD Ultra
performant API Gateway with middleware. Written in Go.
Runscope - Automated API
Monitoring & Testing.
Ping-API - Automated API Monitoring
& Testing.
- Magic - Create a REST
API from any website in one click.
Apiary - Collaborative design, instant
API mock, generated documentation, integrated code samples, debugging
and automated testing.
Amazon API Gateway -
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for
developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any
Apigee - Apigee is the leading provider
of API technology and services for enterprises and developers.
3scale - Nginx based API gateway
to integrate internal and external API services with 3scale’s API
Management Platform.
Assertible - Continuously test and
monitor your APIs after deployments and across environments.
Moesif - API Analytics for
Debugging, Monitoring, and Usage Tracking for RESTful and GraphQL.
Beeceptor - An HTTP inspecting,
mocking and proxing service. Gives named endpoints for creating mock API
endpoints and simulate responses.
react-admin - Add
a ReactJS admin GUI to any RESTful API.
ng-admin - Add an
AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API.
- Auto generation of client libraries or server stubs given an OpenAPI
specification (formerly known as the Swagger Specification).
Lumber - Generate
the admin interface of your application.
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.