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A curated list of Ant Design resources
and related projects. The main idea is that everyone can contribute
here, so we can have a central repository of informations about Ant
Design that we keep up-to-date.
Ant Design, a design language for middleware, is refined by Experience
Technology Department of Ant Financial, aims to uniform the user interface
specs for middleware projects, reduce the unnecessary cost of design
differences and implementation and liberate the resources of design and
front-end development.
Official projects and resources of Ant Design.
Ant Design - An Enterprise-class UI
design language and React-based implementation.
Ant Design Pro - An out-of-box UI
solution for enterprise applications :fire::fire::fire:
Ant Design Mobile - Configurable
Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation.
Ant Design of React
- Graceful UI components out of the box, based on React.
Ant Design SVG Icons
- Project to transform regular icon fonts into SVG format, supporting
Ant Design icon fonts.
These are tools and utilities to help build apps using Ant Design,
Antd Init - Ant
Design boilerplate generator (for demo only, use dva-cli).
Dva Cli - Create Ant
Design projects based on
Dva.js, a lightweight
front-end framework based on Redux and React and inspired by
Elm and
Antd Tools - Very useful list
of tools for Ant Design to create documentation, create new components,
build tools and many more.
Antd Tools Docs -
Documentations for Ant Tools.
iConfig Ant Design -
Boilerplate for quickly getting a new project up and running with a few
useful transforms.
- Rush to Ant Design in VS Code
Antd Snippets for VS Code
Generator Antd Pro
- An easy way to build your Ant Design Pro application.
formik-antd -
Declarative bindings for the popular form state management library
Zaku - JSX-based UI
editor, easy way to build page and generate antd code.
Antd-Pro-Generator for VS Code
Generate Service/Mock/Model from Swagger2.0 or OpenApi3.x docs for Ant
Design Pro.
Here are utilities that can help you customize your theme and ability to
change it in browser
Ant Design family of projects.
Grammar of Graphics - Pure
javascript, powerful semantic graph generation tool for big data which
provides a set of graphical syntax that lets users build with simple
syntax a myriad of charts and integrates a large number of statistical
tools, (Read more).
Ant Visualization - Professional
data visualization specification that aims to put several years of
valuable data pattern group work in the process of exploring data
visualization to share with all people who need data visualization
theory. AntV consists of few parts, data, design specifications and
rules for use of the chart, (Read more).
Ant Motion - Efficient motion
design solutions that complies with Ant Design Visual specification with
React implementation.
Ant UX - Make a sitemap template for
UX design using
Sketch or
Axure. This is a library which
assists designers to define, refine and finalize the inter-page logic of
their products.
Projects that are built with Angular and Ant Design.
Projects that are built with Vue.js and Ant Design.
- Ant Design of Vue.js 2.5.0+.
Vue.js Beauty -
Beautiful UI components build with Vue.js and Ant Design.
Vue.js Ant UI - Ant
Design UI components built in Vue.js.
Ant Design Vue
- Vue.js version of Ant Design.
antue - A set of
enterprise-class Vue UI components, following the Ant Design
specification completely.
vue-antd-admin -
Ant Design Pro’s implementation with Vue
Projects that are built with Blazor WebAssembly and Ant Design.
A list of UI components built with Ant Design.
- A group of sliders that help input data with multiple ranges &
description. Have data sync between sliders to improve UX, avoid
accidental missing range during inputing range data.
- An infinite scroll component based on antd table that supports virtual
scrolling & high-performance
- An open source rich react editor based on draft-Js and ant design.
React Grid
[Deprecated] - Grid React UI Component based on Ant
Antd Kit - Advanced
Ant Design components.
- A component that combines antd’s Table and Form to do the search,
display, and operating jobs for data.
- Angular recursive form based on json input built with Ant Design.
- A collection of Ant Design component for Aws Amplify for
- AntD Input component with password-strength indicator.
React Hooks
Collection of React Hooks returning component of antd.
A list of mature apps built with Ant Design.
Eevee - Based on Github page
online editing blog platform. The project is based React, Ant Design and
GitHub API.
Productivity Application
- Kanban style, Trello inspired Productivity application built using
React, Ant Design and other fantastic modules.
A list of starter projects and boilerplates built with Ant Design.
Ant Design Pro - An out-of-box UI
solution for enterprise applications :fire::fire::fire:
Scaffold Market - scaffolds
and boilerplates using Ant Design
Antd Admin - A admin
dashboard application demo built upon Ant Design and Dva.js.
Meteor Antd Boilerplate
- A basic social network built using Antd and Meteor.
React SPA -
Building SPA with React, Router, ES6, Fetch, Babel, Webpack, Npm,
MockJs, FontAwesome, AnimateCSS, Ant Design, LESS and jQuery.
React Admin -
React Admin UI built on Ant Design (username: admin, password: 123456).
React Redux
- React Redux for CMS/Enterprise class apps (ERP/Admin) built with Ant
React Antd Starter
- This project is designed to develop website/web apps using Ant Design
and Redux.
Webbf - Java demo
that uses Maven to build the backend with Spring, Spring MVC and
Mybatis. React, Reflux, Eebpack, jQuery, React-bootstrap and Ant Design.
React Redux Antd Starter
- Front-end boilerplate built with React, Redux and Ant Design.
Koa - Example
app to build Admin UI built with React, Ant Design and Koa.
Star Admin
- Demo app built with React, Ant Design, Redux, React-router, Webpack
and Babel.
React Redux Intro
- Demo app built with Ant Design and can be configured to initialize a
Redux dependencies.
React Start Kit
- SPA Boilerplate built with React, Webpack, ES6+, Redux, Router, Babel,
Express, Ant Design.
CL React
- Based on Ant Design front-end framework structures for enterprise
back-office software.
list built with React and Ant Design.
React Boilerplate
- React Admin front-end boilerplate built with Ant Design.
Dva Antd Starter
- Get started with Dva.js and Ant Design.
Dva Antd Mobile Starter
- Get started with Dva.js and Ant Design mobile.
Dva Ant Admin - A
front-end boilerplate built with Dva, Ant-Design
Aspnet Core Antd Boilerplate
- Server Side Rendering with Asp.net core.
React Redux Universal
- Universal/Isomorphic boilerplate using react router 4 and webpack
2.5+. All latest packages.
CRA-TS-Antd -
Create-React-App + TypeScript + Ant-Design (without Eject).
Ng-Alain - Angular
Admin UI built on Ant Design (with ng-zorro-antd).
Typescript React With Mobx Starter
- a starter-template with typescript, react, mobx, antd and webpack).
React-PWA, PawJS and AntDesign
- A pluggable boilerplate with SEO, PWA, SSR, Skeleton, Placeholders,
etc. as some of its many features.
Create React App + Ant Design
- Use antd in create-react-app without ejecting
ScaffoldHub.io - Generate fullstack
React + Ant Design applications with MongoDB, SQL or Firebase Firestore.
The Green Meal
- Next.js, PostgreSQL demo app written in TypeScript.
Non-JavaScript Libraries
A list of libraries that are written for non-JavaScript languages.
StarCabinet -
Github Stars-based cross-platform tool based on React, Electronand and
Ant Design.
Nowa - A webpack
based front-end plug-in scaffolding and development solution.
Your contributions are always welcome!
Click Here to read the guidelines.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.