Awesome Godot Awesome

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A curated list of free/libre games, plugins, add-ons and scripts for Godot.

Looking for third-party programming language support in Godot? See Vivraan/godot-lang-support.



Open Source Games that use Godot.


Godot 3.2+

Godot 3.1

Godot 3.0

Godot 2.1


Godot 3.2+

Godot 3.1

Godot 3.0

Godot 2.1


Non-game Open source projects made with Godot (tools/utilities).

Godot 3.2+


Projects to use as a base for your own games.

Godot 3.2+

Godot 3.1


Demos to learn GDScript, its concepts, and various game features.

Godot 3.2+

Godot 3.1

Godot 3.0

Godot 2.1


Notice: The list of tutorials has moved to the Godot documentation.

Plugins and scripts

Scripts that let you do new stuff, or enhance Godot functionality.

Various Godot versions

Godot 3.2+

Godot 3.1

Godot 3.0

Godot 2.1

Godot version unknown


Stuff integrated into Godot core (C++).

Various Godot versions

Godot 4.0

Godot 3.2+

Godot 3.1

Godot version unknown

GDScript/C# editor support

Add-ons for text editors that implement GDScript or C# support.

Godot script editor syntax themes

Alternative themes for the built-in script editor.

Unofficial Godot builds

Those builds will let you use recent versions of Godot Git, but they may be less stable than official ones – use at your own risk.

Bash scripts

Bash scripts can be placed in ~/.local/bin.



Other stuff.